Kyle Daihl Promoted to Associate Principal

Summer Consultants, Inc. announces the promotion of Kyle Daihl, PE, CxA, BEAP, to Associate Principal, effective immediately. In addition, Mr. Daihl has been appointed to Summer Consultants’ Board of Directors.
“Kyle has been a driving force in the success of our growth in the Philadelphia region. He is an exceptional engineer, mentor and leader, instilling his dedication to quality and client service in everyone he works with. We are happy to recognize him for his achievements” stated James Hoffman, PE, LEED AP O+M, CEM, President of Summer Consultants.
Mr. Daihl first joined Summer Consultants in 2006, serving as a senior mechanical engineer, project manager, and commissioning authority. His work includes a variety of projects including complex renovation projects and new facility construction for clients including the General Services Administration, U.S. Air Force, Delaware National Guard, as well as municipalities in Delaware, Pennsylvania and Maryland. He leads Summer Consultants’ Philadelphia regional office, and will continue to work closely with clients and teaming partners while helping the firm reach its goals.
Summer Consultants, Inc. is a small business specializing in the provision of mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection, and communication engineering , commissioning, and architecture services for the renovation and new construction of government, higher education, laboratory, and historic facilities. Headquartered in McLean, VA, the firm also has regional offices in Greenbelt, MD; Norfolk, VA; Philadelphia, PA; and Raleigh, NC. Clients include the General Services Administration, U.S. Navy, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the State of Delaware.